Master's degree in Accounting, Auditing and Management Control

Faculty/School regulations

- General information

The external academic internships in the Master's Degree in Accounting, Auditing and Management Control are born with the clear objective of training professionals who acquire skills and abilities that make them capable of solving the management problems of their field. The student will have the opportunity to achieve a lot of transversal skills, as defined in the study plan, and at the same time must be able to develop more specific skills related to the different functional areas of a company and institution: Prepare and audit the economic-financial information of companies and individuals. Apply instrumental techniques in the analysis and solution of business problems and in decision making. Identify economic, environmental, ethical, legal, political, sociological and technological factors at a local, national and international scale and their impact on organizations.

Code Subject Type ECTS credits
14271 Internship Required 6




Argal Alimentación S.A.

Audiequip S.L.P.

Autodalser-Dalmau SL

Becton Dickinson SAU

Cloud Asesor SL

Corporació Alimentaria Guissona SA

Crowe Auditores España SLP

Evolya SL

Fruits de Ponent SCCL

Julio Vilagrasa y Asociados SL

Obiols Ysac SLU

OCPS Auditors i Consultors, SL

Pleta Auditores SLP

Pont Mestres y auditores asociados SA

Productos Gemi 1966 SL

Redis Gestió Assessors SLU

Servicios Microinformática SA

Supsa Supermercats Pujol SL

Vall Companys SA



Recognition of external internships


External internship report