???option.TituloSitioWeb.master??? in Accounting, Auditing and Management Control

Master’s Thesis


The objectives of the Master's Thesis are:

- Studying a topic in the field of the Master.

- Knowing and applying the principles and methodologies of study and research.

- Applying the skills and knowledge acquired during the Master.

The specific subject of the Final Master's Thesis will be chosen by the student, who will develop it under the direction of a Master's Teacher. The latter will be responsible for tutoring the student on the specific subject chosen, advising him on the most relevant bibliography, as well as guiding him in the theoretical and information gathering aspects.

The work should be a study on a specific issue that has been analyzed in any of the subjects studied during the Master and through which they can capture the knowledge and skills acquired from a multidisciplinary point of view. 


The modalities that may be covered are, among others, the following:

- Empirical academic or essay work on a specific subject or question related to the contents of the Master. 

- Bibliographic research and review work focused on different fields related to the Master.

- Work simulation of professional situations related to the different areas of professional practice: Report, opinion, preparation and defense of a case, business creation projects and their feasibility study, among others.

- Project developed within an entity external to the faculty (companies, public and private institutions) on a matter related to the Master, as long as this project has not been carried out during the period of the internship.


Regarding the criteria that will be taken into account in the evaluation of the work:

- Formal aspects: Degree of compliance with the formal and methodological guidelines for the presentation of the work and oral defense.

- Competence and knowledge: Degree of acquisition of the competences and knowledge associated with the field or topic chosen.