???option.TituloSitioWeb.master??? in Accounting, Auditing and Management Control

Degree Basics


Màster Universitari en Comptabilitat, Auditoria i Control de Gestió

ECTS credits


ECTS credit price

27,67 € / crèdit

Starting year


Learning model


Language of instruction

Catalan / Spanish (90%)
English (10%)

Available places



Alba Cardil Forradellas fdet.coordmucaud@udl.cat

The degree in figures
The degree in figures
The degree in figures
Acknowledgements, suggestions and complaints
Acknowledgements, suggestions and complaints
Acknowledgements, suggestions and complaints
Pre-enrolment and Enrolment
Pre-enrolment and Enrolment
Pre-enrolment and Enrolment
Manual of the SGIQ of the Centre
Manual of the SGIQ of the Centre
Manual of the SGIQ of the Centre
Internal Quality Assurance System
Internal Quality Assurance System
Internal Quality Assurance System

 There are three alternatives to take the Master:

1. AUDIT MODALITY: The Master's Degree in Accounting, Auditing and Management Control is aimed at graduates who want to develop their skills and knowledge in accounting, auditing, and management control. In this module we work on the regulations and working methods of the annual accounts as well as the risk analysis and the internal control of the companies. The Master is approved by Instituto de Contabilidad y Auditoría de Cuentas (ICAC)
 and it is exempt from certain contents in the theoretical training test in the process of accessing to the Official Registry of Account Auditors (ROAC).
2. MANAGEMENT CONTROL MODALITY: In this module we study the main methods to develop relevant indicators for the management of the company in its decision-making process. 

3. DUAL MODALITY AUDIT AND MANAGEMENT CONTROL: In this modality the student can take two modalities: Audit and Management Control. This modality can be done during one or two courses.

Main professional profiles: Audit of accounts; Accounting; Management, accounting, tax and financial advice; Economic-financial management; Controllers.